Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mandino's Commandments of Success

inspiring commandments of success -og mandino

by Rodge Cultura on Sunday, February 5, 2012 at 12:53pm ·
i read one of mandino's books. His words  influence me through the years. i want to share them to you.
but before i proceed, allow me to inform you just as mandino warned me;

You must be warned in advance. The words you are about to read may end your life forever.
A useless life is far worse than an early death. So, when you have been poisoned by failure and frustration, heart break and discontent, defeat, self-pity- hold on no more. Terminate that miserable existence immediately and commence rebuilding a new life-a new being-one filled with love and pride, achievement and peace of mind. Not only because that you should; I say to you that you can!

PS:Some part of the content is changed.

Og Mandino wrote:
There are commandments of success. There are 10 and here they are;

First Commandment of Success

You were not created for a life of idleness.
Always perform worked that is asked from you and more. Your reward will come.

Know that there is always one certain method of attaining success and that is through hardwork. If you are unwilling to pay this price for distinction, be prepared for a lifetime of mediocrity and poverty.
Pity those who abuse you and ask why you deliver so much in return for so little. Those who give less, receive less.
Never be tempted to diminish your efforts, even if you should labor for another. You are no less a success if someone else is paying you to work for yourself. Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.
Be grateful for your tasks and their demands. If it were not for your work, no matter how distasteful it may seem, you could neither eat so much, nor sleep so soundly, nor be so healthful, nor enjoy the smiles of gratitude from those who love you for what you are, not for what you do.

Second Commandment of Success

Know that the more enduring your patience, the more certain your reward. There is no accomplishment that is not the result of patient working and waiting.

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. With patience you can bear up under any adversity and survive any defeat. With patience you control your destiny. Patience is the key to contentment, for you and for those who must live with you.
Patience is power. Employ it to stiffen your spirit, sweeten your temper, stifle your anger, bury your envy, subdue your pride, bridle your tongue, restrain your hand, and deliver you whole, in due time, to the life you deserve.

Third Commandment of Success

Without hard work you have learned that you will never succeed. So also, without patience. Yet one may work diligently and be more patient than Job and still never rise above mediocrity unless plans are drawn and goals established.

No ship ever lifted anchor and set sail without a destination. No army ever marched to battle without plan to victory.
Life is a game with few players and many spectators. Those who watch are the hordes who wander through life with no dreams, no goals, no plans even for tomorrow. Do not pity them. They made their choice when they made no choice. To watch the race from the stands is safe. Who can stumble, who can fall, who can be jeered if they make no effort to participate?
Are you a player? As a player you can not lose. Those who win may carry off the fruits of victory and yet those who are defeated, today, have learned valuable lessons that may turned the tide for them tomorrow.
What do you want of your life? Consider long and well before you decide, for you may attain what you seek. Is it wealth, power, a loving home, peace of mind, land, respect position? Whatever your goals may be, fix them in your mind and never let loose. Understand that even this may not be sufficient, for life is unfair. Not all who work hard and patiently and have goals will achieve success. Without any of these three ingredients, however, failure is certainty.
Give yourself a chance to succeed. And if you fail, fail trying!
Draw up your plans today. Ask yourself where you will be, a year from today. And finally, do it!

 Fourth Commandment of Success

Realize that no condition is permanent. There are seasons in your life just as nature. No situation which confronts you, good or bad, will last.

Make no plan that extends beyond a year. In life, as in war, plans of long-range have no significance. All depends on the way unexpected movements of the enemy, that can not be foreseen, are met, and how the whole matter is handled.
Always prepare for the worst.
Pity the poor man, buried in the low tide of failure after failure, sadness after sadness. Eventually he ceases, just as tide is changing and success is reaching out to embrace him. Never stop trying.
Always have faith that conditions will change. And if your work and your patience and your plans have brought you good fortune, seek out those whose tide is low and lift them up. Prepare for your future. The day may come when what you have done for another will also be done for you.
And plan to lose even that love, after a time, knowing that one day you will be reunited for all eternity in a place where there are no cycles, no ups and downs, no pain or sorrow, and above all, no failures.

Fifth Commandment of Success

You are wiser than most, once you realize that adversity is never the permanent condition of man. And yet this wisdom alone is not sufficient. Adversity and failure can destroy you while you wait patiently for your fortune to change. Deal with them in one way.
Welcome them both, with open arms!

Since this injunction goes against all logic or reason, it is the most difficult to understand or master.
Let your tears you shed, over your misfortunes, cleanse your eyes so that you might see the truth.
Adversity is the rain in your life, cold, comfortless and unfriendly. But understand that even the desert blooms after the storm.
Adversity is also your greatest teacher. You will lean little from your victories but when you are pushed, tormented, and defeated, you will acquire great knowledge, for only then will you become acquainted with your true self since you are free, at last, from those who flatter you. And who are your friends? When adversity engulfs you is the best time to count them.
Remind yourself, in the darkest moments, that every failure is only a step towards success, every detection of what is false directs you toward what is true, every trail exhausts some tempting form of error, your path to peace and fulfillment.

Sixth Commandment of Success

Only action gives to life its strength, its joy, its purpose. The world will always determine your worth by the deeds you do. Who can measure your talents by the thoughts you have or the emotions you feel? And how will you proclaim your abilities if you are always a spectator and never a player?

Remember that patience is the art of waiting, with faith for the life you deserve through your good works, but action is the power that makes good works possible. Even the length of your wait, for the good things you have earned, seems less when you area busy.
No one will act for you. Your plans will remain no more than an idler's dream until you rise up and fight against the forces that would keep you small. To take action is always dangerous, but to sit and wait for the good things of life to fall into thy lap is the only calling where failures excel.
Everything that lies between your cradle and your grave is always marked with uncertainty. Laugh at your doubts and move ahead. And if it is leisure you seek, instead of work, take heart. The more you do, the more you can do, and the busier you are, the more leisure you will have.
Act or you will be acted upon.

Seventh Commandment of Success

The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, or a hell of heaven.
Why do you still think of the love that your own foolishness and temerity caused you to lose, long ago? Will that memory help your digestion this morning?
Why do you still grieve over your failures? Will tears improve your skills while you labor for your family, today?
Why do you still remember the face of he who harm you? Will the thought of sweet revenge enable you to sleep better tonight?
Friends dead, jobs failed, words that wounded, grudges undeserved, money lost, sorrows unhealed, goals failed, ambitions destroyed, loyalties betrayed-why you preserved all this evil clutter as if it had value? Why you have allowed such cobwebs of infamy to gather in attic of your mind until there is scarcely room for a happy thought about this day? Sweep out the tragic strands to the past that have accumulated with the years. Their festering entrails will choke you, in time, if you are not diligent. The ability to forget is a virtue, not a vice.
To know that yesterday with all its mistakes and cares, its pain and tears, has passed forever and can not harm you, is not enough. So also, must you believe that you can do nothing about tomorrow, with its possible heartaches and blunders, until the sun rises again.
Never let worry about tomorrow cast a shadow over today. What madness it is to be expecting evil before it comes. Waste not a moment thought on that which may never happen. Concern yourself only with the present. He who worries about calamities suffers the twice over.
Forget what is past and let God concern himself with the future. He is more capable than you.

Eighth Commandment of Success

How different you are now from the infant that you were. You came into this world with nothing, but through the years you have allowed yourself to be weighed with so much heavy baggage, in the name of security, that your journey through life has become a punishment instead of pleasure.

Lighten your load beginning today.
Understand that the true worth of man is measured by the objects he refuses to pursue or acquire. Open you eyes to the truth before you stumble past the very treasures you seek. Love, peace of mind, and happiness are jewels which no condition of fortune, no amount of land or coin, can either exalt or dress.
What reward is there in gold and silks and palaces if their possession destroys the happiness you have so blindly taken for granted? The greatest Falsehood in the world is that money and property can fill your life with joy. If wealth becomes part of your baggage you become poor, for then you will be no more than an ass whose back bows under the weight of gold you must carry until death unloads your cargo.
Of all needless materials that you embrace, of all the pleasures you enjoy, you will still carry no more out of this world than out of a dream. Admit riches grudgingly into your home, but never into your heart.
And envy no man his grand possessions. His baggage would be too heavy for you, as it is for him. You could not sacrifice as he does, health, peace, honor, love, quiet, and conscience, to obtain them. The price is so high that the bargain becomes, in the end, a great loss.
Simplify your life. He is richest who is content with the least.

Ninth Commandment of Success

Abide always with the thought that you will not live forever.

All of us have been dying, hour by hour, since the moment we were born. Realizing this, let all things be placed in their proper perspective so that your eyes will be opened until you are only anthills and those beasts which seek to devour you are only gnats.
Live death as your companion but never fear it. Many are so afraid to die that they never live. Have compassion for them.
Shed tears now, while your heart still beats, for the flowers you will never smell, the good deeds you will never do, the mother  you will never visit, the music you will never hear, the pains you will never comfort, the tasks you will never complete, the dreams you will never realize.
Remember that it is always later than you think. Fasten this warning deep into your mind, not for sorrow’s sake but to remind yourself that today may be all you have.
Learn to live with death but never flee from it.
For if you die, you will be with God. And if you live, He will be with you.

Tenth Commandment for Success

To be what you are and to become what you are capable of becoming is the secret of a happy life.

Every living soul has different talents, different desires, and different faculties. Be yourself. Try to be anything else but your genuine yourself, even if you deceive the entire world, and you will be ten thousand times worse than nothing.
Never waste into elevating yourself into something you are not, to pleasure another. Never put on false masks to gratify your vanity. Never strain to be valued for your accomplishments or you will cease to be valued for yourself.
Only man of all living things foolishly strives to be other than what he was intended to be until life marks him a misfit. Misfits are the failures of the world, always chasing after a more fruitful career they will never find unless they look behind.
You can not choose your calling. Your calling chooses you. You have been blessed with special skills that are yours alone. Use them, whatever they may be, and forget about wearing another's hat. A talented boxer can win title and renown with his skills. Let him become a legislator and you will find his lawyers suffer the burden of his job than him.
No one can take your place. Realize this and be yourself. You have no obligation to succeed. You have only the obligation to be true to yourself.
Do the very best that you can, in the things you do best, and you will know, in your soul, that you are the greatest success of the world.
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